Venus Fly Trap Plant
- Venus flytraps need lots of light, at least six hours of direct sunlight a day. A sunny windowsill is ideal, or you can grow them in a terrarium with grow lights.
- Keep the soil damp, but don't flood the traps with water. You can use a saucer with a few inches of distilled, reverse osmosis, or rainwater.
- Venus flytraps don't like to be too cold or too hot. Avoid placing them near radiators in the winter, and protect them from the elements in temperate climates.
- Venus flytraps grow best in nutrient-free, open soil, such as moist, peat-free ericaceous compost. You can rinse perlite to remove contaminants.
- Although feeding your plant live insects is fun, it's not essential for its survival. Venus flytraps are best at catching their own food, and triggering the traps when there's no food inside can damage the plant. You can remove any developing flowers, which can divert energy from the plant.
- Venus flytraps can benefit from a winter dormancy period, when their growth will stop and their leaves may turn black. In the spring or early summer after the plant emerges from dormancy, you can prune off dead traps.