Air Plants, also known as Tillandsia, are known to be easy to care for, but they do require proper environmental considerations in order to thrive.
Air Plants are epiphytes, meaning that they grow in nature on another tree, host, or object. Air plants use tiny vessels located throughout their leaves called trichomes to capture nutrients and moisture from the air. As "air plants" they do not require soil, but instead, take their nutrients from the air. However, they still need water, nutrients, and light to survive.
Because they do not require soil it allows them to thrive in a wide range of settings, vessels and spaces. This flexibility of growth allows air plants to be used in a variety of display including bowls, open terrariums, or wherever you need some greenery to brighten up your space.
Air plants should be watered every 2-3 weeks by submerging and soaking the plant in water, and then allowed to air dry upside down (allows water to drip from the deep crevasses and dry out).