Oxalis regnellii (green) / Oxalis triangularis (purple)

Oxalis Plant

$14.00 USD

Shamrock Plants (Oxalis) are characterized by clover-like leaves and dainty white blooms. This South African native plant is much more than just a St. Patrick's Day staple. The white flowers sweep gracefully from their stems atop the unique, triangular foliage year round, making Oxalis Regnellii / triangularis a stand-out feature on windowsills, along decks, in pots, and around porch edgings.

Caring for your Oxalis regnellii (green) / Oxalis triangularis (purple)

Bright Indirect

Water Regularly

NOT Pet Safe


  • Also known as Shamrock.
  • Bright indirect light, and can handle a few hours of direct sun every day.
  • Water weekly, allowing full the top inch or so to dry out before watering again.
  • This plant is a bulb, and will periodically die back entirely for a few weeks or even months. Cut back and keep watering and exposing to sun as normal.
  • Feed your Oxalis once a month during spring and summer with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer.
  • Toxic to pets.
Shipping & Returns
  • Local Delivery: Delivery is available during shop hours and take place between 11am to 4pm. Delivery fee based on location will be added at checkout.
  • Store Pickup: If you live outside of our delivery radius or would like to stop by our Maplewood stop, store pickup is available from our 87 Baker St shop during operating hours.